Frequently Asked Questions

  • Please note that due to a high volume of calls, voicemail is not regularly monitored.

    Email is our primary mode of communication, but if you prefer to communicate over the phone, please email me to schedule a time – I don’t want to miss your call!

    To maintain privacy for you and to maintain professional boundaries, it is not permitted to connect about clients via any form of social media including web messaging services such as Whatsapp, Instagram, Signal, or other apps.

  • You are entitled to a 15-20 minute phone call appointment with the SLP to discuss if therapy or an assessment is the right choice for you!

    You are welcome to ask any questions you may have during your call. The SLP may ask questions about communication skills, background history, your goals and concerns.

    If email is preferred, you are welcome to email with questions to consult before beginning services.

  • In-person sessions are held in your home, which is referred to as “in-home” sessions. Virtual sessions are held on a secure web-based video-conferencing app.

    In-home sessions are a great way to see your home routines - this helps us create a plan that includes realistic and functional home-practice suggestions. We can be flexible with locations within your home - for example, if your child wants to play in the backyard, let’s take it outside! Teens and adults have also sometimes requested to use their kitchen during a therapy session.

  • For in-person therapy sessions, appointments can be made in New Westminster & Burnaby.

    I sometimes have opportunities to commute farther for assessment, consultation, or an observation at a school/daycare - when cancellations in my schedule happen, I can see a client outside my usual region. Unfortunately, regularly scheduled therapy sessions in regions outside New Westminster/Burnaby are not available due to traffic and long commute times.

    I would be happy to share information about searching for a registered speech-language pathologist in your region.

  • No, a referral is not required for speech-language assessments / therapy.

    Sometimes we receive referrals from other professionals; however, if you have concerns about your child or family member’s speech and language skills, you can self-refer by contacting an SLP directly.

  • Private practice speech-language pathology services are not covered by MSP.

    Payment can be made via INTERAC e-transfer, or you can store your credit card on file for payment.

    If you have extended health insurance, you may have coverage for SLP services. Unfortunately, I don’t provide direct billing to insurance companies at this time.

    After payment, you will receive a receipt, which you can submit to your insurance provider to make a claim.

    Every plan is different; some insurance plans provide full or partial coverage.

    You are responsible for your invoices; please check with your insurance provider before booking sessions.

    For ongoing sessions, you can choose to pay monthly, or pay after each session.

  • Yes! I am a full RASP member.

  • Yes! You will not be required to pay up front.

    We can bill directly to the Autism Funding Unit by filling out a Request-To-Pay-Service-Providers form. Click here for AFU forms and resources.

    Services can be billed to the Medical Benefits ‘At-Home’ Program for school-aged extended therapies if your child has been approved for this program.

  • NOIt is not permitted to have therapy or an assessment in-person if your child has symptoms of illness.

    Failure to adhere to this policy will result in cancellation of your session, as the SLP will not remain in the home to continue therapy with a sick child.

    Please be considerate of your SLP’s health and safety, and the health of other vulnerable clients that will be seen by the SLP. If there are contagiously ill family members in the home, please show consideration and cancel the session.

    Before beginning services, you will be required to read and sign the illness policy and cancellation policy in our services agreement.

    Please feel free to ask in advance about these policies.

  • No, you don’t have to book weekly sessions! Weekly sessions may not fit every family’s budget or schedule - or, your child may not require weekly sessions!

    Flexible options are available. Ask about consultation + parent coaching sessions, short-term therapy blocks, or regular sessions booked less frequently, such as bi-weekly (every alternate week).

  • No, you must be in the home while your child is in session. The SLP can not provide respite or babysitting services.

    Families are encouraged to participate in or observe sessions as much as possible, so that you can receive coaching and feedback for home practice, and observe your child’s progress and participation.

    Families are busy, and it is understandable that sometimes a caregiver will step aside to take care of things around the home; however, a caregiver must be in the home for sessions.

  • Please be respectful - ASK FIRST. No one feels comfortable being videotaped or photographed without their consent.

    Please tell your SLP that you'd like to take a short video, or watch through a webcam from a different room. We will most often say yes!

    You may not post any part of the therapy session to social media or websites that will be shared with the general public. You are welcome to share video or photos privately, such as your family or your child's care team.

    **As part of an early intervention parent coaching program, the therapist may ask your consent to take or view a video of your interactions with your child. This allows us to provide feedback for home practice strategies and to alert you to the things you are already doing to support your child! You may decline this and request an alternate method to support your family for parent coaching. We will be happy to provide an alternative!

  • Yes - When you book your appointment, you are holding a space on the calendar that is no longer available to other families.

    Please note that your therapist needs to plan for your absence. There is a cancellation policy in our services agreement so that they can depend on a reliable income.

    Please give as much notice as possible when cancelling sessions or planning vacations.

    Note that we may not be able to hold therapy times for extended client vacations and travel, as this leaves a gap in your therapists schedule that they may not be able to fill short-term.

  • Yes!

    Please give notice so that we can prepare to welcome another professional into our session plan that day . It is always a pleasure to collaborate with other members of the care team; this benefits everyone!

  • Yes! An effective care plan includes collaboration and feedback between team members. Observing a client in a different environment provides the SLP with valuable information about the client’s communication skills.

    Please note that observation sessions and reports will be billed. Please consult with the SLP regarding invoicing for an observation plus report.

    **Please note that private practice SLPs are not able to provide assessment or therapy within public schools.

    We are happy to attend an IEP meeting at your child’s school, or we can arrange an observation or meeting with school staff to consult about your child’s speech-language skills.